As I continue to draft the final chapters of my book, Judah, the Journey to Delight, my inner dialogue around the word “happy” continues to be enlightened. Just yesterday as I listened to two phenomenal messages by Tim Keller of New York’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church; he too spoke of the happiness of God.
Maybe I am dancing around delight, the ultimate moment in one’s life when they in fact grasp (as much as is possible in our broken state) the joy of the Godhead.
“God is infinitely happy” Tim Keller shares as he describes the language of love among the Trinity within his message, The Glory of the Triune God delivered June 19, 2011.
“Not seeking their own glory but rather giving glory to each other,” Keller shares the essence of true joy and infinite happiness from all eternity.
He describes “a tri-personal God, who already has mutual communication of glory.” It’s about sharing love versus getting it. He quotes John 17:24, as Jesus asks of the Father that He grant to us the love that Christ had with the Father before creation.
Keller clearly articulates the shared Joy and Delight, not from within Christ, but from the Father toward Christ as the Son offers His love to the Father. Likewise the Holy Spirit present on this Earth, three persons, in one being, each totally about glorifying and loving the other; not needing, but giving love. Yet in their giving, any need otherwise is already met by the love that flows from the perfect unity of the three. They already rejoice in giving glory, not living for themselves but for the joy of others.
We likewise, three in one (Body, mind and spirit) were made to worship, to glorify something, for you have been made in the image of God.
In self-giving we are most like God, it just doesn’t always feel like “happy” as defined by the world. Happiness received by way of the world, such as self-oriented blessings, personal reward or even things we do for others, cannot provide happiness beyond the short term. Even “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” (C.S.Lewis)
I only thought I was not happy, I am “happy”; I just did not understand the word.
Happy is much like a vacuum, formed when you give up your joy for the joy of others. That vacuum however, cannot be sustained as it is immediately back-filled by the love of God.
As a good friend shared earlier, “The way up is down.” Another recent insight was shared: “God is humble.” Think about that.
The Trinity is pouring love into each other and thus their happiness.
Servant hood is the meaning of life; it’s the heart of God. Each of these three persons in one being, always surrender to the other two.
Thy will be done, not mine. Happy is in the “not mine.”
Lose yourself to find yourself.
Seeking your own “goes against the grain of the universe.” (Keller)
“To be with me where I am.” John 17:24. In the circle of His love.
Having place with Him is what happy is!
Happy is finding the love, and the joy, and the glory of God.
“A welcome into the heart of things.” Keller again quotes CS Lewis.
“To be baptized, totally immersed in His name: His authority, His glory, His nature.”
“Trinity is important.” (Keller)
Even the Word, the Son of man, Jesus, takes a middle position between the Father and the Holy Ghost, demonstrating His commitment to Trinitarian unity.
Back to a former entry, we may demean God by calling Him a King; He was love long before He was an authority. Authority was necessary because of sin. Love was there in community long before creation. His Lordship and His love surely tormented the enemy, because of where Satan’s heart was; thus the fall and eventual entry of sin into human creation…the loss of “Happy.”
Further clarity and joyous insight may be found at