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An Old Dude and AI

I'm sitting on the back porch at sunup thinking through my next season.

Much has changed in my 76 years, both with technology and the church!

First technology, as I am now being prompted by AI as I write this morning. As a former science teacher, I have always thought somewhat outside the box and seldom with a focus on grammar, though I did marry an English teacher.

As to the institutional church, I have now given 50 years to the one establishment that seems most to resist change. It was December 28, 2008, when the Lord jarringly spoke to my heart these words, "My Church is in foreclosure." From that came the book, "Repo" in 2009.

Though we are still involved weekly in a local church, that Word now seems to be playing out as the institution struggles for sustainability.

Fortunate for the Body of Christ, a Holy shift is occurring, and the institution eventually will return to its rightful owner. She always does, though it seems to come with a struggle and about every 500 years!

Out of that struggle comes deep change, renewal and the truth more deeply revealed

My hope is in the Lord!

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