“Two thousand years ago, a young girl believed that the promises of God spoken to her were miraculous enough to affect generations to come. But more than recognizing God’s words as true, Mary allowed truth to have its way with her. Such an orientation may seem irrational to many, but it reflects the beauty of a soul able to stand on a greater rationality.” Jill Carattini, managing editor of A Slice of Infinity at Ravi Zacharias International Ministries in Atlanta, Georgia.
This quote from my favorite daily devotional was a Godsend to me this morning, as I face the first real political opposition from fellow believers. Having received a somewhat bizarre phone call yesterday morning from a local conservative watchdog group, followed up by multiple threatening posts on their own blog, The Conservative Shepherd, well, I knew I had crossed a line in someone’s political sand!
As a part of my appointment to the Ten-Year Plan Commission on Homelessness, I was asked by a good friend and Christ follower to meet with the leader of a group who were planning a gathering of the homeless to initiate a dialogue around homelessness. Having recently visited Ft. Worth, Texas, as a part of my role as Chair of Leadership Winston-Salem, I was taken aback by the remarkable progress made by that city in reducing homelessness, as well, even transforming the homeless through home ownership and education.
When offered an opportunity to talk to the homeless in our area, I thought it would be a great idea. Having met with this individual, a believer as well, he indicated that we might attract a greater audience with a meal, but needed some additional support to cover the cost of the meal. Naturally (II Cor. 8:13-15; 9: 5-9) I responded. Though I was not able to stay for the entire program due to a council meeting that night, I was able to meet a number of the some 100 plus who gathered in the basement of a local church downtown.
Seemed harmless to me and in fact what Christ might do, were He posed with the same opportunity. Not so this a.m., as it seems the group will now mount a campaign to remove me from office this fall.
As I write another quote comes to mind: “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world.” Jesus Christ