This morning as I continued my read through the Gospel of John, chapter 12, I sensed the privilege I have at this point in my life.
Now early in my 4th quarter (Dad turns 99 in December), I have experienced much joy and rich blessing in my life , moments that many now await, and some are totally oblivious to!
I have experienced moments of extravagant worship, a near scent of Jesus being sensed in the room, akin to what I read this a.m., as John describes the "fragrance that filled the room" as Mary poured perfume on Jesus' feet. It happens in moments of deep gratitude, in her case, for what Jesus had done for her family in raising her brother, Lazarus.
As well, being in service with people passionate about aiding others, as I experienced last Friday after Helene's destruction. I call that "worthship", bringing the love of Christ by way of actual hands on service to my fellow man.
Of course, as always there will be the Judas types, complaining about the way service is delivered, the waste that can always can be pointed out, the disorganization or lack of timeliness, as is always the case as humans respond as best they are able. Oh, and political biases, my God is that evident in our day.
And of course the "rubber neckers" who just came to see "Lazarus" in person, gawkers curious about what they have heard "on the news", or word of mouth in Jesus' day.
We all have our motives and our moments as humans. I have been Jesus to some at times, and Judas in other moments when critical decisions were being made. Rubber necker, too!
Motives drive our actions but if we spend time in solitude, they can also reveal our true heart and unlock our hidden potential. The Good News is, that provision is available by the Spirit to make our hearts anew each morning, and with that renewal come possibilities that have been hidden to us and others.
Listen to the Love Song now playing in your heart, it's there; open to the scent of perfume that personal worship can afford and then "worthship" with others in moments when without your involvement tragedy wins.
It is in these moments when we become truly human, rather than mere mortals that only exist until death!
"I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly."
It's ironic that we too often only truly experience life in such moments of suffering.
"Lazarus come forth!"
Wonder how many rudder necker came by in 4 days