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Writer's pictureJohn Bost

Ressurection, Then What?

Last Sunday I was introduced to the Resurrection Plant by way of a sermon which contrasted Moses's Old Testament curse of the Law, with the New Testament's remedy, one of grace and love.

I decided, while the message was still fresh on my mind, that I would order a bag of these small, balled-up, dry plants (see above). I was cautioned that their brittle nature could present a problem with their journey in shipment.

What's amazing is that they can exist in dry, arid climates for years, tubbling around until exposed to water...then within minutes each begins to green up, and within a few hours take on a tender, lush. life-filled appearance.

Ironically, it is recommended that the plant even be given rest periods, as too much exposure to water may cause rot.

Keep all this in mind, as further research then found me thinking about my own journey.

Of course, I was observing this phenomenal plant through the filter of my infatuation with Creation and the Christ so revealed there. I soon

found myself asking what's next for this "old plant" named John Bost, one once "ressurected," and now long time "watered!"

You might sense where this long churched, Holy Ghost filled, raised Pentecostal is going.

But then, maybe not, for my calling seems more to community than church.

Again, I'll remind you that this particular plant can only take so much water, even at times, a rest from exposure to water is recommended.

Given the struggles facing our world, I sometimes wonder if we church folk might be somewhat over watered, given our limited impact on those around us. Lots of rolling around, dry and frankly sometimes quite brittle!

This is not meant as rebuke but healthly criticism drawn from my own introspection. I got my own "moisture problems", sometimes I can even give off the odor of rot. Thank God for the Spirit that reminds me when I need a "time out!"

In my read this a.m., crossing over into the first chapter of Mark's Gospel, John the Baptist is already in jail and practically no time after baptising his cousin. I'm not necessarily advocating for his demeanor.

However, Jesus is also just coming out of the woods (the wilderness) and almost immediately, his impact and influence is felt deeply and immediately by all those around him. Folk even start risking their "nets", their income streams, just to hang with him. That I envy!

"Astonished" was the word Mark used, "for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes."

In the New Testament, scribes are referred to as "lawyers" in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Scribes were experts in the sacred Mosaic Law, which governed the Jewish people in civic and religious matters. They were members of a learned class in ancient Israel who studied the Scriptures and served as copyists, editors, teachers, and jurists.

Scribes had knowledge of the law and could draft legal documents.

Mark seems to emphasize the fact that something was different about what folk saw in Jesus, when compared to those who were simply well versed in the scriptures.

Apparently, even those long-tormented, though also "in their synagogue" felt his presence as well, and even "cried out"! Think about all this!

I remember during the early days of my rebirth, my spiritual ressurection, being told by spiritual leadership that "even greater things than these" could be expected. I believed what I was told, and I saw some amazing things.

Somehow all that seems now being stirred up again, after 50 years of being institutionalized and watered weekly.

I'm open to new possibilities and hoping for a revolutionary impact on my community!

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Are you going to plant it in one of LaDonna's gardens?

John Bost
John Bost
Feb 21
Replying to

No soil required, no roots!


Feb 20
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Reminds me of the city of the future you taught us

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