Three ways to spend your life:
-Distracted, even overwhelmed by all the negative shenanigans going on around you.
-Navel-gazing, spending too much time considering your own thoughts, feelings, or problems due to the above.
-Nurturing your inner self, knowing that "the inner person is the soil in which God has sown the divine likeness and image and in which God sows the good seed, the roots of all wisdom, all skills, all virtues, all goodness—the seed of the divine nature…." (Richard Rohr 2/25)
It's rare to not find yourself at times overly engaged in the first two, but a disciplined time each day can lessen the probability and, heighten the possibility of becoming all you were destined to be from your mother's womb...your PIECE of God that passes all understanding.
Maybe I am a little different and my perception different. Some might say strange.
Over the past five years I found myself "Distracted, even overwhelmed by all the negative shenanigans going on around (me)." Along with a failed Presidential administration brought about by a highly questionable election as the 2016 verses the 2020 and 2024 numbers make clear and our government taken over by drastically limited minority interests, law-fare and warmongers. Now I find myself distracted and overwhelmed by the positive "shenanigans" going on around me and appalled at those disillusioned by their failure to face reality because they can't stretch their limits beyond the biased propaganda and misrepresentations of the dying far left liberal legacy mainstream media seeking to…